Aleksy Balazinski

A nice direct sum decomposition

Motivation I’ve recently came upon an interesting problem in Axler’s Linear Algebra Done Right: Given \(\phi \in \mathcal{L}(V, \mathbb{F})\) and \(u \in V\) not in \(\text{null }\phi\) show tha...

Displaying math in Jekyll/Chirpy

If you’re (like me) using the Chirpy theme for your Jekyll site, here’s how to quickly set up MathJax so that you can display beautiful math equations such as [e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0.] If you have a l...

Zasada najmniejszego działania

Wstęp Zasada najmniejszego działania pozwala na zupełnie inne spojrzenie na mechanikę klasyczną. W sformułowaniu Newtona, ruch ciała jest dany za pomocą równania stanowiącego treść II zasady dynami...

Liczby zespolone (complex numbers)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Opór powietrza (air resistance)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Twierdzenie Leibniza (Leibniz theorem)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Fizyka płaskiej Ziemi (physics of the flat Earth)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Transformacja Laplace'a a zagadnienia fizyki klasycznej (Laplace transform in classical physics)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Zasada najmniejszego działania (principle of least action)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

Energia i pęd w teorii względności (energy and momoentum in the theory of relativity)

This is one of the short articles I wrote for fun in the good ol’ days of high school. It’s only available in Polish.

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